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Physiologic exercise testing is a useful tool in several clinical situations (see box on p. 250).
Several points should be emphasized about physiologic exercise testing in the clinical setting.
1. Physiologic exercise testing is different from the standard cardiac 'stress test.' Although the two tests can be combined, in practice the cardiac stress test usually looks for evidence only of ECG abnormalities or of coronary insufficiency (chest pain or ST segment depression); it does not ordinarily assess oxygen uptake or make any attempt to diagnose noncardiac causes of dyspnea. Most hospitals maintain a facility for cardiac stress testing, but relatively few also provide for physiologic stress testing.
2. Physiologic exercise testing is only indicated after completion of a full clinical evaluation (history and physical examination, chest xray, hematocrit, resting pulmonary function tests, blood gas analysis, and electrocardiogram), and is used to provide information not otherwise available.
3. Exercise testing is only an adjunct to the clinical evaluation and, like any other test, should be interpreted in light of the full clinical picture. Just as a clinical diagnosis would not be made on the basis of a chest x-ray or blood gas analysis alone, a diagnosis should not be made based on the exercise test alone. Exercise measurements should never substitute for intelligent assessment of the history, physical examination, and other relevant laboratory data. Careful patient observation is also important during the test to gauge the level of cooperation and understanding, as well as for qualitative assessment of the patient's symptoms.
4. Before interpreting exercise test data, one should at least have available the following:
a. Reason for the test (e.g., dyspnea on exertion)
b. Results of physical examination, particularly with regard to heart or lung disease, orthopedic impairment, and neuromuscular problems
c. Results of resting ECG, chest x-ray, hematocrit, and spirometry (including maximal voluntary ventilation)
d. Assessment of the patient's effort during the test. (A physician is always present or close by during the test, but data interpretation may be done by someone who was not present.)
COMMON CLINICAL INDICATIONS FOR PHYSIOLOGIC EXERCISE TESTING1. Dyspnea during exertion without apparent organic basis (not explained by resting pulmonary function studies). 2. Dyspnea that could be caused by either a cardiac or a pulmonary problem. 3. When objective measurement of exercise ability is required, e.g., occupational lung disease evaluation or physical fitness evaluation. 4. For evaluation or diagnosis of exercise-induced asthma. |
Fig. 12-6. Exercise limitation caused by heart disease. A, Heart rate. B, O2-pulse.
All organic causes of dyspnea arise from interference with oxygen delivery to the exercising muscles. The following discussion concentrates on differentiating among cardiac disease, respiratory disease, and poor physical fitness as a cause for exercise limitation. The need to make this distinction is a common reason for physiologic exercise testing.
Cardiac disease. The heart limits exercise when cardiac output cannot meet the body's oxygen needs. This limitation can come about from either inadequate stroke volume (SV) or heart rate (HR). Cardiac output impairment is usually caused by inadequate stroke volume; to compensate for reduced stroke volume, heart rate and oxygen extraction will increase (see Equation 2). Since the heart rate is inappropriately high for the level of oxygen consumption, the O2-pulse (VO2/HR) is reduced (Figs. 12-6, A, and 12-6, B). A lower-than expected O2-pulse is the hallmark of exercise limitation caused by heart disease.
As a result of cardiac limitation to oxygen delivery, the patient experiences an early anaerobic threshold; lactic acid production and hyperventilation (reduced PaCO2) begin at relatively low level of oxygen uptake. Severe dyspnea ensues, and the patient is unable to reach his maximal exercise capacity.
Respiratory disease. Respiratory impairment can generally limit exercise in one of two ways: (1) decrease in total or minute ventilation (VE); and (2) impairment of gas transfer across the alveolar-capillary membrane.
A decrease in VE is seen in patients with severe restrictive or obstructive lung disease. VE during exercise is a useful measurement, in part because the patient can serve as his own control. The maximal total ventilation is usually measured before exercise testing as the maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV). If MVV is not measured, it can be closely approximated by multiplying the patient's forced expiratory volume, 1 sec (FEV1) by 35. For example, if FEV1 is 3 L, the patient's MVV should be approximately 105 L/min.
With an intact respiratory system, VE is never the limiting factor in exercise. Healthy subjects reach only approximately 60% to 70% of their ventilatory capacity (MVV) at the point of maximal oxygen consumption. A patient who stops exercising (because of dyspnea) when VE is close to his MVV has inadequate ventilatory reserve. Typically, with ventilatory impairment exercise stops well before the anaerobic threshold is reached ( Fig. 12-7). If exercise continues beyond the patient's ventilatory limit, PaCO2 will likely rise, something that never happens in healthy patients.
Impairment of gas transfer across the alveolar-capillary membrane will cause an abnormal increase in the alveolar-arterial PO2 difference during exercise. The most common cause of hypoxemia at rest is ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) imbalance (see Chapter 5), but resting V/Q imbalance does not predict hypoxemia during exercise. In many cases V/Q relationships improve during exercise, so the PaO2 may actually increase (it normally remains unchanged). The change in PaO2 is a distinguishing point between chronic bronchitis and emphysema; in the former, PaO2 stays the same or improves with exercise, whereas in emphysema, PaO2 characteristically falls.
Fig. 12-7. Exercise limitation caused by ventilatory impairment.
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The PaO2 usually falls during exercise when there is diffusion impairment. Normally, as cardiac output speeds through the pulmonary capillaries, the large reserve for diffusion assures that end-capillary PO2 is maintained at a normal level. Diffusion impairment causes a fall in end-capillary and arterial PO2 during exercise (Fig. 12-8, p. 254). This fall in PaO2 is seen in emphysema (loss of capillary vascular bed) and interstitial lung disease (thickening of alveolar capillary membrane).
Clinical problem 4 Provide a possible physiologic explanation for the following changes in blood gas values during exercise (all values are in mm Hg).
Poor physical fitness. Exercise limitation from poor physical fitness can usually be appreciated from the pattern of ventilatory and cardiac response in relation to the work load and oxygen uptake. Commonly the subject ''poops out" well before anaerobic threshold, although the heart rate and VE have increased appropriately for the level of exercise. Occasionally the heart rate or VE will rise more than expected for the level of work because of anxiety or early (and inappropriate) hyperventilation, respectively. Nonetheless, by carefully analyzing the exercise data in light of the total resting evaluation, poor fitness can usually be distinguished from cardiac and respiratory limitation. Based on the previous discussion, exercise test interpretation can be approached systematically. This approach is based on testing that includes Group 1, 2, and 3 measurements (see Table 12-1). 1. Determine if anaerobic threshold is reached. Generally, AT is determined from analysis of respiratory quotient, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PetCO2), and ratio of slope of VE to the slope of oxygen consumption (VO2) (see Fig. 12-4 and box on p. 246). Normally, anaerobic threshold (AT) should occur at an oxygen consumption near 20 ml/min/kg; for a 50-kg person, this is a VO2 of 1 L/min. 2. Determine if ventilatory limit has been reached by comparing the patient's exercise minute ventilation to his resting maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV). If MVV was not measured before the exercise test, use 35 x FEV1 to estimate MVV. 3. If blood gas analysis is available, check for fall in PaO2 and calculate the alveolar-arterial oxygen pressure difference (P(A-a)O2) (see Chapter 5). Check for an early fall in Paco,; a decrease in PaCO2 before AT may indicate hyperventilation from anxiety. Any increase in PaCO2 during exercise is abnormal and indicates severe ventilatory limitation. The following cases illustrate this approach.