Lawrence Martin, M.D.
Chairman, Dept. of Medicine, UH-Richmond Medical Center
Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143
Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland
* * W I N N E R S * *
This multiple-choice blood gas quiz is based on information presented in my
Pulmonary Physiology web sites.
The quiz was posted February 1, 2009 with deadline for prizes April 30, 2009.
A copy of my blood gas book
All You Really Need to Know to Interpret Arterial Blood Gases was awarded to the top score from two categories of
entrants: house staff training at Richmond Medical Center, in Richmond Hts., Ohio, and
everyone else in the world.
Top scores in each group
Richmond Medical Center, Richmond Hts., Ohio: Dr. Alyn Hatter, medical intern
Rest of the World: Dr. Barry Beutler, anesthesiology resident, Henry
Ford Hospital, Detroit. (Dr. Beutler had the top score overall, missing just 2 out
of 25 questions)
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