Winners Announced!


Lawrence Martin, M.D.
Chairman, Dept. of Medicine, UH-Richmond Medical Center
Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143
Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland

* * W I N N E R S * *

This multiple-choice blood gas quiz is based on information presented in my Pulmonary Physiology web sites. The quiz was posted February 1, 2009 with deadline for prizes April 30, 2009. AGB book A copy of my blood gas book All You Really Need to Know to Interpret Arterial Blood Gases was awarded to the top score from two categories of entrants: house staff training at Richmond Medical Center, in Richmond Hts., Ohio, and everyone else in the world.

Top scores in each group
Richmond Medical Center, Richmond Hts., Ohio: Dr. Alyn Hatter, medical intern

Rest of the World: Dr. Barry Beutler, anesthesiology resident, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit. (Dr. Beutler had the top score overall, missing just 2 out of 25 questions)

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